7 Must Have Modules in a perfect Property Management System

On this articles you will get to know   Modules in a perfect Property Management System


The land industry is getting more ‘n’ more complicated with each passing day. It requires tons of paperwork, which consumes a huge area of storage. Because the industry grows more paperwork will start to extend the amount of files needed to manage it. To beat such issue, it’s become imperative for the people related to the important estate to take a position in web-based software or property management portals that has the power to store an enormous data while helping them streamline entire property management related activities on the go.

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A good property management won’t cost you, but it’ll assist you make extra money on behalf of your land business. Regardless of who you’re, whether you’re a landowner, fee manager or developer, you’ll leverage from an entire host of advantages from the effective property management portal or land management system. It lets the important estate owners manage their day-to-day tasks, enable tracking of multiple accounts, minimize security risks, save costs and offer tons more benefits on the go.


However, when it involves choose the important estate or property management system or application, many of us forget to think about a couple of vital modules or features. Are you trying to find a perfect property management portal or a system? Make sure you consider all the important software modules discussed below during this article:

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  1. Does it offer Lot management module?


Lot module helps the important realtor or property dealer to define categorize buildings in terms of lots and numbers. Such modules would enable developers with simple segregation and grouping of the properties. It becomes very handy when you’ve multiple properties to affect.

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  1. Unit management matters a lot!


Units serves a critical role within the property management portal. It’s vital for the developer or a property dealer define units appropriately and refill the small print accurately. A perfect property management portal should offer efficient unit management, which can help property dealers or developers to define units and refill the small print, like unit number, type, entitlement, lot number, building number, floor area, car parking then on.


  1. What about owner management?


It is one among the foremost important feature that each land management system should provide to the user. A perfect property management portal or system should easily display the knowledge about current owner, their email address, unit owned by the precise owner, position, property related documents and other details associated with the owner.


  1. Should provide effective tenant management


If someone has assigned his/her property to the tenants, it becomes crucial for the important estate agents or maybe for the property dealers to stay the up so far details about it. A perfect property management portal or system should provide ample details about the prevailing also as past tenants. Moreover, it should provide details associated with the lease, like start date, expiration date, related contracts and more.

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  1. Efficient service fee management is crucial


While handling the properties, dealers or developers should remember about the service fee that’s getting to be taken from the users also as manage them smoothly. It involves a service fee defined for the precise property for the fiscal year selected and make invoices respectively. It should clearly state whether the service fee conducted is normal, special or includes the other charges alongside other details.

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  1. Well-managed discount and penalty details


The land management system should also offer efficient and well-managed discount and penalty details, which incorporates specific discounts and penalty for non-payment and prepayment of funds in consort with the power to supply maturity and beauty period. It’ll greatly simplify the way property dealers manage such critical details.


  1. Contract and agreement is crucial!


While handling the properties, it’s important to stay diary of the contractors who have assigned services to be provided from their end. A perfect system should offer a way of managing such crucial details. A system should offer developers or dealers to define differing types of contractors who are assigned special tasks to be accomplished to the property and their agreement with the property.


Apart from of these, one should also consider other features and modules just like the simple collaborating documents online, customizable analytics and reports which will assist you take better decisions, instant access to the key properties, budget and forecasting, lease tracking, repair and maintenance, expense management and more.

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