Top Programming Languages for Android App Development

Do you recognize how often you check your smartphone during a day? No? Well, consistent with the Journal of Accountancy, that’s an astounding 86 times each day (At least for us millennials…The remainder of the population may be a little saner). And therefore the reason we are so hooked in to our phones is that the overwhelming sensory experience they supply in our daily lives. How so, you ask? Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp (need I’m going on?!!)What language to choose?!!While Java is that the official language for Android, there are many other languages which will be used for Android App Development. Details about these are provided below to assist you create an informed decision. Programming Languages for Android App

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Java is that the official language for Android App Development and consequently, it’s the foremost used language also. Many of the apps within the Play Store are built with Java and it’s also the foremost supported language by Google. Additionally to all or any this, Java features a great online community for support just in case of any problems (And trust me, there’ll be problems!).However, Java may be a complicated language for a beginner to use because it contains complex topics like constructors, null pointer exceptions, concurrency, checked exceptions, etc. Also, The Android Software Development Kit(SDK) increases the complexity to a replacement level! All altogether, Java may be a great language to experience the complete joys of Android App Development. However, it’s going to be a touch complex with beginners who would like to start out with something easier then return thereto.

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Kotlin may be a cross-platform programing language which will be used as an alternate to Java for Android App Development. It’s also been introduced as a secondary “official” Java language in 2017. Kotlin can inter-operate with Java and it runs on the Java Virtual Machine. The only sizable difference is that Kotlin removes the superfluous features of Java like null pointer exceptions. It also removes the need of ending every line with a semicolon. In short, Kotlin is far simpler for beginners to undertake as compared to Java and it also can be used as an “entry point” for Android App Development.

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C++ are often used for Android App Development using the Android Native Development Kit(NDK). However, an app can’t be created totally using C++ and therefore the NDK is employed to implement parts of the app in C++ native code. This helps in using C++ code libraries for the app as needed. While C++ is beneficial for Android App Development in some cases, it’s far more difficult to line up and is far less flexible. It’s going to also cause more bugs due to the increased complexity. So, it’s better to use Java as compared to C++ because it doesn’t provide enough gain to offset the efforts required.

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C# is sort of almost like Java then Its ideal for Android App Development. Like Java, C# also implements garbage pickup so there are fewer chances of memory leaks. And C# also features a cleaner and simpler syntax than Java which makes coding with it comparatively easier. Earlier, the most important drawback of C# was that it could run only on Windows systems because it used the .NET Framework. However, this problem was handled by Xamarin. Android (formerly Mono for Android) which may be a cross-platform implementation of the Common Language Infrastructure. Now, Xamarin. Android tools are often wont to write native Android apps and share the code across multiple platforms.

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Python are often used for Android App Development albeit Android doesn’t support native Python development. This will be done using various tools that convert the Python apps into Android Packages which will run on Android devices. An example of this is often Kivy that’s an open source Python library used for developing mobile apps. It supports Android and also encourages rapid app development (which may be a win-win situation consistent with me!). However, a downside to the present is that there won’t be native benefits for Kivy because it isn’t natively supported.


Corona may be a software development kit which will be used for developing Android apps using Lua. It’s two operational modes, namely Corona Simulator and Corona Native. The Corona Simulator is employed to create apps directly while the Corona Native is employed to integrate the Lua code with an Android Studio project to create an app using native features. While Lua may be a little limited as compared to Java, it’s also much simpler and has a neater learning curve. Moreover, there are integrate monetization features also as various assets and plugins that enrich the app development experience. Corona is usually wont to create graphics applications and games but is by no means limited thereto.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Android apps are often created using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript using the Adobe Phone Gap framework that’s powered by Apache Cordova. The PhoneGap framework basically allows the usage of web development skills to make hybrid apps that are shown through “WebView” but are packaged like an app. While the Adobe PhoneGap framework is enough for basic tasks within the realm of Android App Development, it hardly requires much programming apart from JavaScript. And since it needs tons of labor to even create an honest app, it’s better to use the opposite languages during this list if you would like to be called a real Android developer(Yes…That’s a thing!)


Now, It’s time to travel forth and conquer Android!!!There are tons of apps like Chat messengers. Music players, Games. Calculators. etc. which will be created using the above languages. And there’s no language which will be called a “correct language” for Android App Development. So, it’s upon you to form the right choice of language on the idea of your objectives and preferences for every individual project. And always remember, whatever your choice, it’ll only expand your skill set and cause your growth as an Android developer. Programming Languages for Android App 

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